A movie poster created entirely out of unsplash material. Only the element of the swimming girl is from a low res still that is enlarged using AI.

This movie is about Lin (33), whom is a successful long-distance swimmer. She has been training for four years for the gruelling crossing from Dover to the French coast. A few weeks before her race, she meets Henri (38), an underwater welder who, like her, thrives on danger. Lin and Henri dive head first into an intense love affair. They pull each other deeper and deeper into the darkness, forgetting that lovers can drown too.

With the design of this poster I choose to place a still of swimming Lin into a seemingly big and sturdy ocean. Translating her ‘struggle’ and persistence as a mature woman who is not afraid to grow. The light added to the right and the promising orange/red on the top right side of the poster create the effect of ‘winner’ or positive feeling of conquer. The bathing hat choosing the color red (that she is actually not wearing when she crosses the ocean) makes the main character stand out against the further more green/blue background. Adding contrast to the image gives the idea of this being a movie about dark & light, tension and darkness versus stepping above yourself and conquering darkness.