A Kafkaesk poster design for an international movie called Mr. K.
Mr. K is selected and will premiere on TIFF, Toronto International Film festival 2024. This Belgium, Dutch, Norwegian collaboration resulted in an International movie succes directed by Tallulah H. Schwab.
The movie has a cult quality and is about Mr. K, a travelling magician, whom finds himself in a Kafkaesque nightmare when he can’t find the exit of the hotel he slept in. His attempts to get out only pull him deeper inside, entangling him further with the hotel and its curious inhabitants.
As the true meaning of the movie is about making an inner journey and questioning all that is true and real for ourselves, the individual, I created this design in where the main character travels inside a never-ending hallway inside himself.
Obviously this image is very much constructed out of multiple images and outside movie imagery. The picture of Crispin Glover quality enhanced by AI, a staircase created out of parts of a still, a non existing black and white tiled floor, a rabbit from stock, the image of the suitcase from another still, the shadows hand created, the image of the two woman originally from the movie changed from ceiling to wall.