Fox and Hare Save the Forest (Vos & Haas Redden het Bos / Fuchs und Hase retten den Wald)
I was responsible for the Art-direction and design of the International poster. Input was that the poster had to feel European yet could be perceived in line with Pixar movies too. The target audience being kids between 5-9 years old and their parents 30-45 years old. Next to that the movie has the quality to entertain an older target group too. So, not too young but a combination of the target groups. The poster should be suitable for both art house and commercial movie theatres.
Update: Unfortunately the final (printed & distributed) poster design has been changed by the distributor due to internal politics.

For more information about the movie, check the website of the producers Submarine Sublime, Walking the Dog and Doghouse films. The movie will be sold by Urban Group. Or watch the trailer online via Youtube